Dari Word Ke Pdf
Posted By admin On 06/04/19Cara Merubah File Doc. ke PDF

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Artikel ini informasi untuk membuat sesuatu hal yang positif, maka dari itu dilarang keras menyalahgunakan pengetahuan ini untuk merubah tahun suatu journal demi mengejar target tugas journal harus 5 tahun terahir.
[…] Cara mengubah file doc menjadi pdf Ditulis pada Oktober 27, 2008 oleh Hendro Pramono Ingin tahu cara mengubah file doc menjadi pdf. Silakan klik di sini […]
thank you very much.I hope yuo get well.
abah butut jajanan edm…
Makasih pak akhirnya da juga cara Merubah File Doc. ke PDF.
Makasih bnyk pak…^_^
hari….gimana niy kok sulit banget bikin bingung aza
[…] Cara Mengubah file ke PDF Ditulis pada Nopember 22, 2008 oleh Hendro Pramono Ingin tahu cara mengubah file doc menjadi pdf. Silakan klik di sini […]
makasih bgt dah nampilin gimana cara ngubah doc ke pdf.
tetep semangat ya….Assalamu’alaikum ww
har nuhun pisan nya. ana katulungan pisan yeuh. sok ah sing manfaat blog na. thankz yupz frensterima kasih banyak ya,saya jadi punya pengetahuan baru. tapi saat ini saya sedang bingung, laptop saya terkena virus yakni setiap kali saya buka suatu file secara otomatis muncul file yang sama sebesar 1kb.
“setiap kali saya buka suatu file secara otomatis muncul file yang sama sebesar 1kb.”
wah… mbk kayaknya tu virus harus cepet2 di berantas, cuz klo kelamaan tar bisa-bisa system laptop nya mbk kena…coba dch mbk scan ma antivirusnya mbk… klo tetep ga ke detek, dimungkinkan antivirus mbk dah out of date, mesti di update lagi mbk….
klo mu update mah tinggal hotspotan za di kampus terdekat, trus klik dech update otomatisnya….
tu saran dari aku mbk, mga za nmbh ilmu jg bwt mbk…
thank ya infonya…
bikin aku makin pinter lho.apakah ada software yang dapat mengubah *.doc menjadi *.Pdf langsung
Ada… coba za browsing di google, ada pdf converter salah satunya, cari za yg cocok ma kbutuhan nya…
pak heri kok prosesnya lama ya,,, mksh ya,, bwt smane,,,,,,,,,,,, sukses sllu
bos gimana cara nerjemahin bahasa program ke doc/word?
bgaimana cra merubah PDF ke Doc ya,,,,,?
katanya ada software yang khusus buat itu.?namanya apa/
mo tanya neh, setiap convert dari word to PDF pake ABC amberconvert, selalu aja pas sudah di rubah ke pdf, pas diliat di pdf nya ada logo abc convert, aku mo tanya, bagaimana seh caranya ngilangin tuh header di pdf?bisa ga di setting sebelum di export, klo bisa caranya gmn? thanks ya…
Terima kasih yaa …
Trima Kasih To Informasinya
aduh jadi bingung nih gimana caranya merubah file doc menajdi pdf …….
kalo bisa kirimkan sofwarenya dong……….masa harus onlain terus biaya mahal nih kan masih jarang ni tempat tongkrongan untuk onlain……………………Iya tuh,kan dah djelasin pnjang lebar tuh oleh kang hari gimana caranya merubah file doc ke pdf,kalau ada yang yang tw cara merubah file pdf ke doc,share2 donk dsini,past juga temen2 minat tuh,thanx. Tetap semangat.
klo mau pake pasword bisa ga klo pake cara yang pertama?
Hmm…. kayaknya ga bisa…
pengalaman c ni cuman convert doank tanpa ada pengaman file…
bisa mencoba dengan menggunakan soft khusus mungkin, met mencoba…makasih yaaah infonyaaa pak 🙂
Ea… sama-sama Bu…
^^wah. terima kasih sekali ni infonya, om google yang mengantarkan saya kesini, akhirnya saya dapat juga yang selama ini saya cari-cari. thank’s again… sukses selalu dan terus berbagi ilmu…
nhun vsan ah,,,tank’s pokoke
smga niatnya ibdah,.AminCma syang ya, prtanyaan yg mengenai menghilangkan header di file yg di rubah jdi pdf nya, aku jga msih bingung tolong dong yang tau cra nya gmna, ksih tau ya,
tq@ amar : Amin… wah sering-sering juga kunjungi blog ini biar di peringkat om google peringkat pertama he.he…. 🙂
kalo untuk menghilangkan header yang tampak di hasil convert-an itu bisa diakali dengan mencoba mengunduh software gratisan, hmmmm… di google banyak dech… Selamat Mencoba….@ nD@nk Syarf : Muhun… sami-sami….
Thank you… Informasinya sangat membantu.
tksbnget infonya yah,
thank berat boss, kebetulan lagi pusing mau ngerubah file doc ke pdf ada petunjuk.
kok nGGA bisa d donlooT yaa. caranya gmana nge savenyaa.??
TErima Kasih Atas Info’y Sangat MemBantu…
Tetap Semangat…!!!!!@ ai : pake cara yang mana ya…? Kalau pake cara yang Online, coba perhatikan kecepatan internet qt pas saat melakukan convert, ada kemungkinan pas melakukan convert gangguan koneksi nya terganggu, met mencoba…. ^_^
Kalau anda menulis sesuatu dan tulisan itu hanya copy paste dari blog tetangga sebelah (salah ketiknyapun ikut tercopy), tuliskan sumber tulisan tersebut di akhir artikel anda. Anggota DPR udah banyak yang korupsi, anda sebagai blogger jangan ikut2an korupsi tulisan orang lain juga.
Mau lihat tulisan yang sama persis? silahkan buka link ini:
siapa meniru siapa nie?Jgn buruk sangka dulu , Pak .
anda kan bs cek tanggalnya dulu …
Maaf dengan sangat HORMAT, kepada “Yoseph H Maturbongs”
bahwa artikel pada halaman ini SAYA BENAR-BENAR YANG MEMBUAT dan saya dapat mempertanggungjawabkannya. Untuk Bapak ketahui, bahwa artikel ini saya buat untuk membantu teman-teman saya pada saat mengambil mata kuliah Biologi Molekuler Fakultas Biologi Unsoed Purwokerto.Saya membuat tulisan ini pada malam hari di Ruang S2 Fabio Unsoed, bersama dosen pengampu, karena waktu itu masa / waktu untuk mengumpulkan tugas riview journal dalam format pdf.
Bapak dapat mengecek langsung ke Blog Dosen Pengampu Mata Kuliah Tersebut pada link komentar diatas atas nama Hendro Pramono pada tanggal 27 Oktober 2008.
Atau Bapak juga bisa cek sendiri dari tanggal saya melakukan posting dan bandingkan dengan link yang Bapak punya, siapakah yang lebih awal melakukan posting?
Saya seorang mahasiswa ilmu nyata (IPA, Biologi) dan saya juga di didik untuk tidak melakukan plagiat, karena memang telah sering terjadi plagiasi skripsi bahkan disertasi.
Namun demikian saya ucapkan terimakasih karena Bapak dapat memberikan masukan pada saya, sehingga saya bisa tahu bahwa artikel yang saya upload ternyata ada yang meng “Copy and Paste”.
Terimakasih.okey…., terima kasih informasinya.,….
GOOD.buat mas day.!!!!Sip, numpang mampir n ada yang mau di sedot. he he he
pax yg mau dsdot…….he…he….1
thx tipsnya….
wah info keren.pi ko y ttp susah ia.mana deadline tgsna hrini lg.huffffftt smngat
thanks ya semua atas softwarnnya dan bantuannya…
semoga bermanfaat…
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Trima ksh,htur nuhun atas infrmasiny ,,
benar2 sangat membantu,,
thx vry much.keren!thanks yaaa!
Mas, kok punya saya failed trus ya? kira2 knapa ya? padahal saya udah ngikutin tahap2nya. ngerubah word ke pdf tapi ga bisa2.
mohon penjelasannya…
thanksmakasi ya infonya
tp sy mu tanya untuk cover ini
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mhon jwbnya
terimkasi bnyakk ya
😉@ Wanry : mungkin ada yang keliru dari tahapan yang diikutinya. ataw koneksinya lagi terganggu,, silakan dicoba lagi…
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-lakukan save as
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-save dch…
met mencoba….@Yoseph H Maturbongs : sok banget sih….ke laut aje lu
Thx yaaaa Teman….Infonya.
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=)makasih gan
makasih ka’ infonya…. sangat membantu bgt….
cacad banget !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
😛cacad banget !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
terimakasih kang…. mudah-mudahan aku bisa mencoba……
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Nice Article!!!!makasih artikelnya ya…., semoga amal baik anda mendapat balasan yang setimpal dari Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Amiin….
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makasih infonya … butuh sekali
saya udah mencoba yang cara online tp kenapa lama buuangeet yaa… padahal udah pake sp**dy… langkah2nya jg kuikutin… tp yang ada tulisannya “Please wait… your files are being processed” bukan “Your files are ready for download”.
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bulak balik aja page’y.
mohon bantuannya,trmakshThank infonya…. sangat membantu sekali …. ada yg lebih cepat ngak ya….
alah palsu
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thks sob
Sukses ya 🙂
thangs ya atas ilmunya
terima kasih atas sharenya…
Artikelnya sangat bermanfaat… terima kasih
Kontennta sangat bermanfaat… terima kasih…
mantap… terima kasih
sangat bermanfaat….
Makasih banget….gan, sagat berguna info, tx
Ikut menyimak artikelnya Gan 🙂
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Terima kasih atas informasinya, bermanfaat nih
thanks bang
kok lama bnget y prosesnya,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Makasih banyak ya. Semoga tuhan Membalas jasamu buat semua orang.!! And sukses selalu.
wduh gmna ni ko tetep g bisa ya??????????
wah….bagus gan.
kok prosesnya lama ,berapa lama ??
tjanks ya artikel nya sangat membantu newbie ky aku ini.
saya g ngrti2
maksh Buat yg membrikan info ini.sangat membantu saya,,,
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[…] Cara Merubah File Doc. ke PDF Okitrakirah's Weblog […]
The festive time is more than. The time for guilt is nigh. But is foreswearing alcoholic beverages, junk food or caffeine for just one particular thirty day period truly any very good for your wellness?nNewspaper articles saying that we typically consume 7,000 calories on Christmas Day are new in the head. Proof of sustained merry-creating is probably hanging off our waists. nAs a consequence, many determine January is the time to consider and get much healthier by giving some thing up. But does it operate? n”It really is always a miscalculation to believe you can undo the sins of eleven months in one particular month’s good behaviour,” suggests Sir Ian Gilmore, particular adviser to the Royal College of Medical professionals on liquor. nThe idea that you can produce a new routine in 3 months is a myth, in accordance to psychologists at College College London. Their investigation advised that it was much more like 66 days. That would indicate supplying something up right up until 8 March.nOthers say it is dependent. Not just what you give up, but how you answer as soon as the thirty day period is up.nIt’s arguable that alcohol is the very best point to give up. The liver, responsible for detoxifying alcoholic beverages, is about the only organ capable of regenerating itself in months. A typical social drinker who goes on the wagon will shed a important proportion of the excess fat that has developed up on their liver inside a thirty day period, suggests Dr Gary Murray, an specialist at the US’s Countrywide Institute on Liquor Abuse and Alcoholism. n”The liver is an incredible organ simply because it has a remarkable regenerative ability,” he states. But for a hefty drinker with more significant liver hurt, this sort of as fibrosis – exactly where the liver is scarred – a thirty day period will not see the liver go back again to regular. nA managed experiment at the New Scientist exposed that liver body fat, blood glucose and cholesterol amounts all lowered significantly between journal staff who abstained from alcoholic beverages for 5 weeks.nGilmore agrees that the liver can regenerate after a few months. But what transpires up coming? If the drinker goes again to their preceding approaches, does that thirty day period off support? No-one genuinely understands, he suggests. nIt’s not just the liver. The pancreas, mind and coronary heart are all negatively impacted by weighty consuming. But none has the regenerative powers of the liver. To complicate factors, there is evidence suggesting that reduced alcohol consumption is much better than no alcohol to keep away from heart ailment. Nonetheless the amounts recommended are quite lower. The maximum benefit derives from one particular glass of wine 2 times a week, Gilmore states. And the reward does not kick in until females reach sixty and men forty five.nGilmore says a thirty day period off is useful but more for the mental relatively than physical positive aspects: “I consider the major advantages are intangible.” Initial it shows you that you can do it. People who find it extremely hard will learn they are alcohol dependent – 1.5 million men and women in England are imagined to be in this situation.nIf you go back again to your aged ways, then the month is a lot more or much less squandered, he thinks. But the clever abstainer will understand from the experience. You will really feel normally greater, snooze much better, be significantly less pressured and locate you have much more time for other issues. And as a result, will see the advantages of modifying your behaviour. nThere’s no want to turn into teetotal but just to undertake a more moderate method. For existence – as opposed to January – it really is crucial to have two to three liquor-free days a 7 days to permit your liver recuperate, as well as ingesting inside of the recommended boundaries, he suggests. nWhat about smoking? As quickly as you quit you reduce the risk of a coronary heart attack by about a quarter, says Robert West, professor of overall health psychology at University College London, and creator of the SmokeFree Method. The 50 %-lifestyle of nicotine is two hrs – in 24 hrs you can no lengthier detect it in the physique. Inside a number of days, hands and feet warm up because nicotine constricts capillaries in the extremities. nIn the same time frame, the smoker’s tremor goes and sense of odor returns. In the initial few of months respiration increases but you will produce a cough and could begin to come to feel “rubbish”. The cough and feeling of sensation rough will final times fairly than months. By the stop of the thirty day period you will be significantly less stressed and more secure – there are no much more highs and lows primarily based on nicotine withdrawal signs and symptoms. And your skin will look five to ten a long time more youthful. nContinue reading the major story Get support to quit using tobacco nNHS ChoicesnnQuitnnBBC Advice: Smoking cigarettesnBut is there considerably point giving up for just a thirty day period? In alone, no. Unlike the liver, the lungs will not clear by themselves out. But the target of a smoke-free of charge month is a great one, Prof West states. “With using tobacco most of the wrestle is proper at the beginning. You can say I’ll give up for a month and see how I go.” By the finish of the thirty day period, you might be all set to make the break long term. And even if you go back to cigarette smoking, there’s evidence to propose that staying off cigarettes for a thirty day period helps people who smoke to give up in the prolonged run.nMany will have overeaten at Christmas. Not every person is persuaded by banning foods vices for a thirty day period, however. ” You have either received to do it long-expression or not at all,” suggests Lucy Jones, spokesperson for the British Dietetic Affiliation. A more well balanced diet plan is greater than “all or nothing”, she argues. In between 7% and nine% of all mortality is to do with not ingesting sufficient fruit and veggies, she suggests.nBut what if you had been to concentrate on a present day bogeyman – the carbohydrate? Most medical professionals and nutritionists agree you will get rid of fat if you give up carbs for a thirty day period. But there are different sights about which carbs ought to be get rid of and whether this sort of an strategy is truly healthful. nEveryone agrees sweets, biscuits and puddings ought to go. But what about white carbs, these kinds of as white bread or white rice? Or should you try out and lower out all carbs, even wholemeal types?nAmanda Ursell, nutritionist for the Times phone calls the very first team “vacant energy.” n”They’re fine if you’re likely to the South Pole. And most of us don’t require any much more calories. So yes definitely minimize out cake, biscuits and sweets for January.”nStarch is a much more vexed problem. The NHS recommends starchy foodstuff should kind about a third of someone’s diet plan. nContinue studying the principal tale Wholesome living with BBC On-line nFive methods to up your five a daynnIs this the final healthy food?nnHow to live more timennThe rise of the superfoodnBut some doctors imagine that pasta, rice and bread are way too prominent in our diet plans leading to sugar highs that cause insulin to be released into the blood stream. “Large amounts of insulin push body fat storage and can make preserving a healthier excess weight far more tough,” states Dr John Briffa, writer of A Great Day at the Workplace .nHowever, it’s critical not to go overboard, states Dr Sarah Jarvis, GP and normal on the BBC’s The A single Show. “We need to have to differentiate between refined and unrefined carbs.” Giving up white bread, white rice and non-wholemeal pasta – as effectively as the biscuits and cakes – would make sense, she believes. nUrsell agrees that wholegrain is best but states the odd white slice will not damage. True, white bread it is larger in GI than desk sugar. But individuals usually eat it with items like meat or cheese so shouldn’t be considered in isolation. “Chopping out all carbs you are really very likely to get rid of bodyweight.” But it’s far better to depart in the porridge, cereals and wholemeal bread – or else you will overlook out on B natural vitamins, zinc and iron. “Give up cakes, biscuits and puddings for January. Really don’t have rice and nan with your curry, choose just one.” Individuals utilized to consuming a great deal of these foods, will shed excess weight. Their intestine will diminish. And they will be more secure from an vitality stage of look at, she says. nMany men and women rely on caffeine to get them through the day. Is it a excellent experiment to give up tea and espresso for a thirty day period? It most likely is, suggests Peter Rogers, professor of organic psychology at Bristol College, who thinks a month off will display folks how dependent they are. Normal tea and espresso-drinkers are dependent with no web benefits, he argues. Most caffeine in the human body is eradicated overnight. So the emotion that you want a shot of espresso to get started out in the morning is just getting rid of the withdrawal symptoms. nContinue reading through the major story More from the Journal Numerous folks are trying to cease consuming during January. But with consuming at the heart of British social life, it’s not effortless, suggests Tom de Castella.nnThe place can you go to keep away from folks drinking? (January 2013)nAnd following a thirty day period off, he states, you can use caffeine strategically – only when you truly require it, these kinds of as for a prolonged push. Most specialists concur that a month is long ample to get over caffeine withdrawal indicators. But in the initial couple of days, you may have a headaches, warns Jarvis. You may possibly feel drowsy at occasions. It really is not a good concept to give up just prior to you have a extended travel or critical piece of perform, claims Rogers. By the stop of the thirty day period you will probably come to feel a lot more well balanced, sleep far better and truly feel considerably less jittery, Rogers says. But this is a life style choice not a wellness decision. There’s no evidence to display that caffeine is poor for you. There’s even investigation suggesting it could guard against Alzheimers illness. n”Offering up caffeine wouldn’t be leading of my checklist to improve my well being,” Rogers states. Jarvis suggests with the exception of a single group, there’s no advantage to giving up caffeine for a month, or forever. Folks who get migraines may possibly discover it really worth attempting – avoiding caffeine may possibly aid end the complications. Drinking four hundred-450mg of caffeine a day is secure for everybody except expecting women who must consume much less, she states. (There’s about 50mg in a cup of tea or shot of espresso). So while Prof Rogers advocates weaning yourself off, other people might feel the ache of sitting out another tea round to be a cruel and strange January punishment. nIt’s typical to give up chocolate for Lent. But what takes place when you stay away from chocolate for a month? nIt is dependent what type you are offering up. Milk chocolate is high in sugar and minimal in cocoa. For illustration, Cadbury’s Dairy Milk and Mars Galaxy have a least of 26% and 25% cocoa respectively. Even some dark chocolate is reduced in cocoa – Cadbury’s Bournville has a minimum of 36% cocoa. But chocolate of 70% cocoa or far more, need to be viewed in a different way, Ursell claims. “Individually, if I had to give up chocolate, it would be milk chocolate simply because there is emerging evidence that the relatively high antioxidant content in 70% cocoa dark chocolate might be of some advantage to coronary heart overall health and that it could even support to suppress our appetite,” states Ursell. nBut when it’s chilly and wet outdoors, the entice of dunking a milk chocolate biscuit into a heat cup of tea might confirm just as well tempting.nFollow @BBCNewsMagazine on Twitter and on FacebooknOn a pill? Study ten of the greatest Journal tales from 2013 here
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